syria in fiction in Chinese
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- syria
- n. 叙利亚〔亚洲〕。
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- fiction
- n. 1.小说;虚构的文学作品〔包括小说,剧本等〕。 2.编造,想像,虚构;捏造。 3.编造的谎话。 4.【法律】假定,拟制。 短语和例子 Fact [Truth] is stranger than fiction . 〔谚语〕事实比小说还奇怪。 n. -eer (特指粗制滥造的)小说作家。 -er, -ist n. 小说家〔特指长篇小说作家〕。
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- baath syria
- 叙利亚复兴党
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What is the meaning of syria in fiction in Chinese and how to say syria in fiction in Chinese? syria in fiction Chinese meaning, syria in fiction的中文,syria in fiction的中文,syria in fiction的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by